Substitution Alphabets

This module provides simple usage of functions related to substitutions alphabets

Alphabets crypyto supports:

Morse Code

class crypyto.substitution_alphabets.Morse(word_splitter='/')[source]

Morse represents a Morse Code manipulator

Parameters:word_splitter (str) – A string which will be used to indicate words separation. Defaults to '/'

Returns translated cipher into plain text

Parameters:cipher (str) – The morse code to be translated into plain text


>>> from crypyto.substitution_alphabets import Morse
>>> morse = Morse()
>>> morse.decrypt('.... . .-.. .-.. --- --..-- / .-- --- .-. .-.. -.. -.-.--')

Returns translated text into Morse Code (str)

Parameters:text (str) – The text to be translated into Morse Code


>>> from crypyto.subsititution_alphabets import Morse
>>> morse = Morse()
>>> morse.encrypt('Hello, world!')
'.... . .-.. .-.. --- --..-- / .-- --- .-. .-.. -.. -.-.--'

Image Substitution

class crypyto.substitution_alphabets.ImageSubstitution(abc, directory, extension)[source]

ImageSubstitution is a base class which is used by all the image-based alphabets

  • abc (str) – The plain text alphabet this image-based alphabet have a translation to
  • directory (str) – The directory where the image files are located (inside this package -> /static/directory/)
  • extension (str) – The file extension the image files use
encrypt(text, filename='output.png', max_in_line=30)[source]

Creates an image file with the translated text

  • text (str) – Text to be translated to the specified substitution alphabet
  • filename (str) – The filename of the image file with the translated text. Defaults to 'output.png'
  • max_in_line (int) – The max number of letters per line. Defaults to 30

Templar Cipher

Templar represents an ImageSubstitution object adjusted to the Templar Cipher


>>> from crypyto.substitution_alphabets import Templar
>>> Templar.encrypt('Hello, world!', 'templar_hello.png')
>>> Templar.encrypt('Hello, world!', 'templar_hello_max.png', 5)


Encrypted hello world

Encrypted hello world


Encrypted hello world (5 letters per line)

Encrypted hello world (5 letters per line)