Source code for crypyto.substitution_alphabets

This module provides simple usage of functions related to substitutions alphabets
import os
import re
import string
import random
from math import ceil, sqrt
from unidecode import unidecode
from PIL import Image

[docs]class Morse: """ `Morse` represents a Morse Code manipulator Args: word_splitter (str): A string which will be used to indicate words separation. Defaults to ``'/'`` """ def __init__(self, word_splitter='/'): self.word_splitter = word_splitter self.char_to_morse = { ' ': word_splitter, 'A': '.-', 'B': '-...', 'C': '-.-.', 'D': '-..', 'E': '.', 'F': '..-.', 'G': '--.', 'H': '....', 'I': '..', 'J': '.---', 'K': '-.-', 'L': '.-..', 'M': '--', 'N': '-.', 'O': '---', 'P': '.--.', 'Q': '--.-', 'R': '.-.', 'S': '...', 'T': '-', 'U': '..-', 'V': '...-', 'W': '.--', 'X': '-..-', 'Y': '-.--', 'Z': '--..', '0': '-----', '1': '.----', '2': '..---', '3': '...--', '4': '....-', '5': '.....', '6': '-....', '7': '--...', '8': '---..', '9': '----.', '.': '.-.-.-', ',': '--..--', '?': '..--..', '\'': '.----.', '!': '-.-.--', '/': '-..-.', '(': '-.--.', ')': '-.--.-', '&': '.-...', ':': '---...', ';': '-.-.-.', '=': '-...-', '+': '.-.-.', '-': '-....-', '_': '..--.-', '"': '.-..-.', '$': '...-..-', '@': '.--.-.', } self.morse_to_char = {v:k for k, v in self.char_to_morse.items()}
[docs] def encrypt(self, text): """ Returns translated text into Morse Code (str) Args: text (str): The text to be translated into Morse Code Examples: >>> from crypyto.subsititution_alphabets import Morse >>> morse = Morse() >>> morse.encrypt('Hello, world!') '.... . .-.. .-.. --- --..-- / .-- --- .-. .-.. -.. -.-.--' """ text = unidecode(text).upper() cipher = ' '.join([self.char_to_morse.get(character, character) for character in text]).strip() return cipher
[docs] def decrypt(self, cipher): """ Returns translated cipher into plain text Args: cipher (str): The morse code to be translated into plain text Examples: >>> from crypyto.substitution_alphabets import Morse >>> morse = Morse() >>> morse.decrypt('.... . .-.. .-.. --- --..-- / .-- --- .-. .-.. -.. -.-.--') 'HELLO, WORLD!' """ text = '' for word in cipher.split(self.word_splitter): text += ''.join([self.morse_to_char.get(character, '�') for character in word.split()]) text += ' ' return text.strip()
[docs]class Binary: """ `Binary` represents a text-to-binary manipulator Args: letter_splitter (str): A string which will be used to indicate characters separation. Defaults to ``' '`` """ def __init__(self, letter_splitter=' '): self.letter_splitter = letter_splitter
[docs] def encrypt(self, text): """ Returns the text translated to binary Args: text (str): The text to be translated to binary Examples: >>> from crypyto.substitution_alphabets import Binary >>> b = Binary() >>> b.encrypt('Hello, world!') '1001000 1100101 1101100 1101100 1101111 101100 100000 1110111 1101111 1110010 1101100 1100100 100001' """ return self.letter_splitter.join(format(ord(char), 'b') for char in text)
[docs] def decrypt(self, cipher): """ Returns the binary-cipher translated to text Args: cipher (str): The binary-cipher to be translated to normal text Examples: >>> from crypyto.substitution_alphabets import Binary >>> b = Binary() >>> b.decrypt('1001000 1100101 1101100 1101100 1101111 101100 100000 1110111 1101111 1110010 1101100 1100100 100001') 'Hello, world!' """ return ''.join(chr(int(char, 2)) for char in cipher.split(self.letter_splitter))
class ImageSubstitution: def __init__(self, abc, directory, extension): = abc.upper() self.not_abc_pattern = re.compile('[^{}]+'.format(re.escape(abc)), re.UNICODE) base_dir = os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__)) self.filename = '{}/static/{}/'.format(base_dir, directory) + '{}' + '.{}'.format(extension) self.abc_to_img = self._get_abc_to_img() self.abc_to_img[''] ='blank')) def _get_abc_to_img(self): abc_to_img = { for letter in} return abc_to_img def _encrypt(self, text, filename='output.png', max_in_line=30): text = unidecode(text).upper() text = self.not_abc_pattern.sub('', text) max_height = max(self.abc_to_img[letter].size[1] for letter in text) if len(text) > max_in_line: total_width = sum(self.abc_to_img[letter].size[0] for letter in text[:max_in_line]) max_height *= ceil(len(text) / max_in_line) else: total_width = sum(self.abc_to_img[letter].size[0] for letter in text) new_img ='RGB', (total_width, max_height), (255, 255, 255)) x_offset = 0 y_offset = 0 for letter in text: new_img.paste(self.abc_to_img[letter], (x_offset, y_offset)) y_offset = y_offset + self.abc_to_img[letter].size[1] if x_offset + self.abc_to_img[letter].size[0] >= total_width else y_offset x_offset = 0 if x_offset + self.abc_to_img[letter].size[0] >= total_width else x_offset + self.abc_to_img[letter].size[0] def _get_rms(self, h1, h2): h1 = h1.histogram() h2 = h2.histogram() diff_squares = [(h1[i] - h2[i]) ** 2 for i in range(len(h1))] rms = sqrt(sum(diff_squares) / len(h1)) return rms def _decrypt(self, filename): cipher = base_width, base_height = self.abc_to_img[[0]].size if cipher.size[0] % base_width > 0 or cipher.size[1] % base_height > 0: raise ValueError('Encrypted image is not properly sized') n_letters_p_line = cipher.size[0] // base_width n_lines = cipher.size[1] // base_height text = '' y_offset = 0 for line in range(n_lines): x_offset = 0 for letter in range(n_letters_p_line): cropped_letter = cipher.crop((x_offset, y_offset, x_offset + base_width, y_offset + base_height)) all_rms = {l:self._get_rms(i, cropped_letter) for l,i in self.abc_to_img.items()} letter = min(all_rms, key=lambda k: all_rms[k]) text += letter x_offset += base_width y_offset += base_height return text
[docs]class Pigpen(ImageSubstitution): """ `Pigpen` represents a Pigpen Cipher manipulator """ def __init__(self): super().__init__(string.ascii_uppercase, 'Pigpen', 'png')
[docs] def encrypt(self, text, filename='output.png', max_in_line=30): """ Creates an image file with the translated text Args: text (str): Text to be translated to the Pigpen alphabet filename (str): The filename of the image file with the translated text. Defaults to ``'output.png'`` max_in_line (int): The max number of letters per line. Defaults to ``30`` Examples: >>> from crypyto.substitution_alphabets import Pigpen >>> pigpen = Pigpen() >>> pigpen.encrypt('Hello, world!', 'pigpen_hello.png') >>> pigpen.encrypt('Hello, world!', 'pigpen_hello_max.png', 5) """ super()._encrypt(text, filename, max_in_line)
[docs] def decrypt(self, filename): """ Returns the image cipher translated to normal text (str). It will most often do it wrong, because of specifications on Pigpen. I'll try to fix that soon. Args: filename (str): Filename of the cipher image file Raise: ValueError: If the size of the respective image doensn't match the cipher pattern. I'll try to work on that. Examples: >>> from crypyto.substitution_alphabets import Pigpen >>> pigpgen = Pigpen() >>> pigpen.decrypt('pigpen_hello.png') 'BEJJMWMJJD' >>> pigpen.decrypt('pigpen_hello_max.png') 'BEJJMWMJJD' """ return super()._decrypt(filename)
[docs]class Templar(ImageSubstitution): """ `Templar` represents a Templar Cipher manipulator """ def __init__(self): super().__init__(string.ascii_uppercase, 'Templar', 'png')
[docs] def encrypt(self, text, filename='output.png', max_in_line=30): """ Creates an image file with the translated text Args: text (str): Text to be translated to the Templar alphabet filename (str): The filename of the image file with the translated text. Defaults to ``'output.png'`` max_in_line (int): The max number of letters per line. Defaults to ``30`` Examples: >>> from crypyto.substitution_alphabets import Templar >>> templar = Templar() >>> templar.encrypt('Hello, world!', 'templar_hello.png') >>> templar.encrypt('Hello, world!', 'templar_hello_max.png', 5) """ super()._encrypt(text, filename, max_in_line)
[docs] def decrypt(self, filename): """ Returns the image cipher translated to normal text (str) Args: filename (str): Filename of the cipher image file Raise: ValueError: If the size of the respective image doensn't match the cipher pattern. I'll try to work on that. Examples: >>> from crypyto.substitution_alphabets import Templar >>> templar = Templar() >>> templar.decrypt('templar_hello.png') 'HELLOWORLD' >>> templar.decrypt('templar_hello_max.png') 'HELLOWORLD' """ return super()._decrypt(filename)
[docs]class Betamaze(ImageSubstitution): """ `Betamaze` represents a Betamaze Alphabet Manipulator Args: random_rotate (bool): Whether to randomly rotate each square letter (as it is possible with Betamaze). Defaults to ``False`` """ def __init__(self, random_rotate=False): self._random_rotate = True if random_rotate else False self._symbols_dict = {',':'comma', '.':'period', ' ':'space', '(':'parenthesis', ')':'parenthesis', ':':'colon', ';':'semicolon', '"':'quote'} abc = string.ascii_uppercase + ' ,.:;"()0123456789' super().__init__(abc, 'Betamaze', 'png') @property def random_rotate(self): return self._random_rotate @random_rotate.setter def random_rotate(self, value): self._random_rotate = True if value else False self.abc_to_img = self._get_abc_to_img() self.abc_to_img[''] ='blank')) def _get_abc_to_img(self): symbols_dict = {'.'} if self.random_rotate: abc_to_img = {, char))).rotate(90 * random.randint(0,3)) for char in} else: abc_to_img = {, char))) for char in} return abc_to_img
[docs] def encrypt(self, text, filename='output.png', max_in_line=10): """ Creates an image file with the translated text Args: text (str): Text to be translated to the Betamaze alphabet filename (str): The filename of the image file with the translated text. Defaults to ``'output.png'`` max_in_line (int): The max number of letters per line. Defaults to ``10`` Examples: >>> from crypyto.substitution_alphabets import Betamaze >>> betamaze = Betamaze() >>> betamaze.encrypt('Hello, world!', 'betamaze_hello.png', 5) >>> >>> betamaze_random = Betamaze(random_rotate=True) >>> betamaze_random.encrypt('Hello, world!', 'betamaze_hello_random.png', 5) """ super()._encrypt(text, filename, max_in_line)
[docs] def decrypt(self, filename): """ Returns the image cipher translated to normal text (str) Args: filename (str): Filename of the cipher image file Raise: ValueError: If the size of the respective image doensn't match the cipher pattern. I'll try to work on that. Examples: >>> from crypyto.substitution_alphabets import Betamaze >>> betamaze = Betamaze() >>> betamaze.decrypt('betamaze_hello.png') 'HELLO, WORLD' >>> betamaze.decrypt('betamaze_hello_random.png') 'HELLO, WORLD' """ return super()._decrypt(filename)