Source code for crypyto.ciphers

This module provides simple usage of functions related to a list of ciphers  

import string
import re
import random
from math import gcd
from unidecode import unidecode

[docs]class PolybiusSquare: """ `PolybiusSquare` represents a Polybius Square cipher manipulator Args: width (int): The square's width. Must be at least 1. Width times height must be greater than the alphabet length height (int): The square's height. Must be at least 1. Height times width must be greater than the alphabet length abc (str): The alphabet used in the square. Defaults to ``string.ascii_uppercase`` ij (bool): Whether 'i' and 'j' are treated as the same letter. Defaults to ``True`` Raises: ValueError: When `width` is smaller than 1 ValueError: When ``width * height`` is smaller than ``len(abc)`` """ def __init__(self, width, height, abc=string.ascii_uppercase, ij=True): = abc.replace('J', '') if ij else self.width = width self.height = height self.mount_square() self.not_abc_pattern = re.compile('[^{}]+'.format(abc), re.UNICODE) @property def width(self): return self._width @width.setter def width(self, value): if value < 1: raise ValueError('This square is not large enough to comprehend the whole alphabet.\nPlease increase width or height.') self._width = value @property def height(self): return self._height @height.setter def height(self, value): if value * self.width < len( raise ValueError('This square is not large enough to comprehend the whole alphabet.\nPlease increase width or height.') self._height = value def mount_square(self): self.square_area = self.width * self.height self.abc_square = ( * (self.square_area // len( + 1))[:self.square_area] self.square = [self.abc_square[i:i+self.width] for i in range(0, len(self.abc_square), self.width)] self.abc_to_pos = {letter:[] for letter in} for line_index, line in enumerate(self.square): for col_index, letter in enumerate(line): self.abc_to_pos[letter].append('{}-{}'.format(col_index + 1, line_index + 1)) self.pos_to_abc = {} for letter in for pos in self.abc_to_pos[letter]: self.pos_to_abc[pos] = letter
[docs] def encrypt(self, text): """ Returns encrypted text (str) Args: text (str): The text to be encrypted Examples: >>> from crypyto.ciphers import PolybiusSquare >>> ps = PolybiusSquare(5, 5) >>> ps.encrypt('EncryptedMessage') '5x5#5-1;3-3;3-1;2-4;4-5;5-3;4-4;5-1;4-1;2-3;5-1;3-4;3-4;1-1;2-2;5-1' """ text = unidecode(text).upper() text = text.replace('J', 'I') if len( == 25 else text text = self.not_abc_pattern.sub('', text) cipher = '{}x{}#'.format(self.width, self.height) positions = [random.choice(self.abc_to_pos[letter]) for letter in text] cipher += ';'.join(positions) return cipher
[docs] def decrypt(self, cipher): """ Returns decrypted cipher (str) Args: cipher (str): The cipher to be decrypted. May or may not contain the square size at the beggining (e.g. '5x5#') Raises: ValueError: When ``cipher`` doesn't match the Polybius Square pattern Examples: >>> from crypyto.ciphers import PolybiusSquare >>> ps = PolybiusSquare(5, 5) >>> ps.decrypt('5x5#5-1;3-3;3-1;2-4;4-5;5-3;4-4;5-1;4-1;2-3;5-1;3-4;3-4;1-1;2-2;5-1') 'ENCRYPTEDMESSAGE' """ cipher = cipher.lower() match ='(?:\d+x\d+#)?((?:\d+-\d+;?)+)', cipher) if match: positions =';') text = ''.join([self.pos_to_abc[pos] for pos in positions]) return text else: raise ValueError('Cipher doesn\'t match the Polybius Square pattern.')
[docs]class Atbash: """ `Atbash` represents an Atbash cipher manipulator Args: abc (str): The alphabet used in the cipher. Defaults to ``string.ascii_uppercase`` """ def __init__(self, abc=string.ascii_uppercase): = abc = abc[::-1] self.convertion_dict = dict(zip(,
[docs] def encrypt(self, text, decode_unicode=True): """ Returns encrypted text (str) Args: text (str): The text to be encrypted decode_unicode (bool): Whether the text should have unicode characters converted to ascii before encrypting. Defautls to ``True`` Examples: >>> from crypyto.ciphers import Atbash >>> atbash = Atbash() >>> atbash.encrypt('Hello, world!') 'SVOOL, DLIOW!' """ text = unidecode(text).upper() if decode_unicode else text.upper() cipher = ''.join([self.convertion_dict.get(character, character) for character in text]) return cipher
[docs] def decrypt(self, cipher, decode_unicode=True): """ Returns decrypted text (str) Args: cipher (str): The cipher to be decrypted decode_unicode (bool): Whether the cipher should have unicode characters converted to ascii before decrypting. Defautls to ``True`` Examples: >>> from crypyto.ciphers import Atbash >>> atbash = Atbash() >>> atbash.decrypt('SVOOL, DLIOW!') 'HELLO, WORLD!' """ return self.encrypt(cipher, decode_unicode)
[docs]class Caesar: """ `Caesar` represents a Caesar cipher manipulator Args: abc (str): The alphabet used in the cipher. Defaults to ``string.ascii_uppercase`` key (int): The key to initialize the cipher manipulator. Defaults to ``1`` """ def __init__(self, abc=string.ascii_uppercase, key=1): = abc self.max_value = len(abc) - 1 self.key = abs(key) self.caesar_dict = dict(enumerate(abc, 1)) @property def abc(self): return self._abc @abc.setter def abc(self, value): self._abc = value self.max_value = len(value) - 1 @property def max_value(self): return self._max_value @max_value.setter def max_value(self, value): if value != len( - 1: raise ValueError('max_value is automatically set') self._max_value = value
[docs] def encrypt(self, text, decode_unicode=True, key=None): """ Returns encrypted text (str) Args: text (str): The text to be encrypted decode_unicode (bool): Whether the text should have unicode characters converted to ascii before encrypting. Defautls to ``True`` key (int|None): The key used to encrypt. Defaults to ``None``, which uses the value from ``self.key`` Examples: >>> from crypyto.ciphers import Caesar >>> caesar = Caesar(key=5) >>> caesar.encrypt('Hello, world!') 'MJQQT, BTWQI!' """ key = key if key else self.key text = unidecode(text).upper() if decode_unicode else text.upper() cipher = '' for letter in text: if letter in letter_index = + key if letter_index > self.max_value: letter_index = letter_index - self.max_value - 1 if letter_index < 0: letter_index = letter_index + self.max_value + 1 cipher +=[letter_index] else: cipher += letter return cipher
[docs] def decrypt(self, cipher, decode_unicode=True, key=None): """ Returns decrypted cipher (str) Args: cipher (str): The cipher to be decrypted decode_unicode (bool): Whether the cipher should have unicode characters converted to ascii before decrypting. Defautls to ``True`` key (int|None): The key used to decrypt. Defaults to ``None``, which uses the value from ``self.key`` Examples: >>> from crypyto.ciphers import Caesar >>> caesar = Caesar(key=5) >>> caesar.decrypt('MJQQT, BTWQI!') 'HELLO, WORLD!' """ key = key if key else self.key text = self.encrypt(cipher, decode_unicode, -key) return text
[docs] def brute_force(self, cipher, decode_unicode=True, output_file=None): """ Prints (to stdout or specified file) all possible results Args: cipher (str): The cipher to be decrypted decode_unicode (bool): Whether the cipher should have unicode characters converted to ascii before decrypting. Defautls to ``True`` output_file (str|None): The filename of the file the results are gonna be printed. Defaults to ``None``, which indicated printing on stdout Examples: >>> from crypyto.ciphers import Caesar >>> caesar = Caesar() >>> caesar.brute_force('MJQQT, BTWQI!') NKRRU, CUXRJ! OLSSV, DVYSK! ... HELLO, WORLD! IFMMP, XPSME! ... """ if self.max_value > 30 and not output_file: print('There are {} possible results. You can specify an output file in the parameter output_file'.format(self.max_value)) print('Are you sure you want to print them all (Y/N)?') if not input().upper().startswith('Y'): return results = '' for try_number in range(1, self.max_value + 1): text = self.encrypt(cipher, decode_unicode, try_number) results += text + '\n' if output_file: with open(output_file, 'w') as out: out.write(results.strip()) else: print(results.strip())
ROT13 = Caesar(key=13)
[docs]class Affine: """ `Affine` represents an Affine cipher manipulator Args: a (int): Value of ``a``. Must be coprime to ``len(abc)`` b (int): Value of ``b`` abc (str): The alphabet used in the cipher. Defaults to ``string.ascii_uppercase`` Raises: ValueError: If ``a`` is not coprime to ``len(abc)`` """ def __init__(self, a, b, abc=string.ascii_uppercase): = abc self.a = a self.b = b self.pos_to_abc = dict(enumerate(abc)) self.abc_to_pos = {v:k for k, v in self.pos_to_abc.items()} @property def a(self): return self._a @a.setter def a(self, value): if gcd(value, len( != 1: raise ValueError('Parameter a must be coprime to {}'.format(len( self._a = value
[docs] def encrypt(self, text): """ Returns encrypted text (str) Args: text (str): Text to be encrypted Examples: >>> from crypyto.cipher import Affine >>> af = Affine(a=5, b=8) >>> af.encrypt('Hello, world!') 'RCLLA, OAPLX!' """ text = unidecode(text).upper() cipher = '' for character in text: if character in x = self.abc_to_pos[character] cipher_pos = (self.a * x + self.b) % len( character = self.pos_to_abc[cipher_pos] cipher += character return cipher
[docs] def decrypt(self, cipher): """ Returns decrypted cipher (str) Args: cipher (str): Cipher to be decrypted Examples: >>> from crypyto.cipher import Affine >>> af = Affine(a=5, b=8) >>> af.decrypt('RCLLA, OAPLX!') 'HELLO, WORLD!' """ cipher = cipher.upper() text = '' for character in cipher: if character in mod_inv = -self.a % len( cipher_pos = self.abc_to_pos[character] x = mod_inv * (cipher_pos - self.b) % 26 character = self.pos_to_abc[x] text += character return text
[docs]class RailFence: """ `RailFence` represents a Rail Fence cipher manipulator Args: n_rails (int): Number of rails only_alnum (bool): Whether the manipulator will only encrypt alphanumerical characters. Defaults to ``False`` direction (str): Default direction to start zigzagging. Must be ``'D'`` (Downwards) or ``'U'`` (Upwards). Defaults to ``'D'`` Raises: ValueError: When ``direction`` doesn't start with ``'U'`` or ``'D'`` """ def __init__(self, n_rails, only_alnum=False, direction='D'): self.direction = direction self.n_rails = n_rails self.only_alnum = only_alnum self.not_alnum_pattern = re.compile(r'[\W_]+', re.UNICODE) self.direction = direction @property def n_rails(self): return self._n_rails @n_rails.setter def n_rails(self, value): self._n_rails = abs(value) if abs(value) > 1 else 2 self.cycle = self.n_rails * 2 - 2 @property def cycle(self): return self._cycle @cycle.setter def cycle(self, value): if value != self.n_rails * 2 - 2: raise ValueError('Cycle number is automatically calculated') self._cycle = value @property def direction(self): return self._direction @direction.setter def direction(self, value): if value[0].upper() not in ['D', 'U']: raise ValueError('direction must be (U)p or (D)own') self._direction = value[0].upper() def _zig_zag_for(self, iterate_over, action): direction = self.direction rail_index = 0 if direction == 'D' else self.n_rails - 1 for n in iterate_over: action(rail_index, n) if rail_index == 0: direction = 'U' elif rail_index == self.n_rails - 1: direction = 'D' rail_index = rail_index + 1 if direction == 'U' else rail_index - 1
[docs] def encrypt(self, text): """ Returns encrypted text (str) Args: text (str): The text to be encrypted Examples: >>> from crypyto.cipher import RailFence >>> rf = RailFence(n_rails=3, only_alnum=True) >>> rf.encrypt('WE ARE DISCOVERED. FLEE AT ONCE') 'WECRLTEERDSOEEFEAOCAIVDEN' """ text = self.not_alnum_pattern.sub('', text) if self.only_alnum else text rails = [''] * self.n_rails def add_char(rail_index, *params): nonlocal rails rails[rail_index] += params[0] self._zig_zag_for(text, add_char) cipher = ''.join(rails) return cipher
[docs] def decrypt(self, cipher): """ Returns decrypted cipher Args: cipher (str): The cipher to be decrypted Examples: >>> from crypyto.cipher import RailFence >>> rf = RailFence(n_rails=3, only_alnum=True) >>> rf.decrypt('WECRLTEERDSOEEFEAOCAIVDEN') 'WEAREDISCOVEREDFLEEATONCE' """ base_width, n_extra = divmod(len(cipher), self.cycle) n_characters_rails = [base_width * 2 if 0 < n_rail < self.n_rails - 1 else base_width for n_rail in range(self.n_rails)] def add_n_characters(rail_index, *trash): nonlocal n_characters_rails n_characters_rails[rail_index] += 1 self._zig_zag_for(range(n_extra), add_n_characters) rails = [[] for n in range(self.n_rails)] cipher_index = 0 for rail_index, n_characters in enumerate(n_characters_rails): rails[rail_index].extend(list(cipher[cipher_index:cipher_index + n_characters])) cipher_index += n_characters text = '' def add_decrypted_char(rail_index, *trash): nonlocal text text += rails[rail_index].pop(0) self._zig_zag_for(range(len(cipher)), add_decrypted_char) return text
[docs] def brute_force(self, cipher, output_file=None): """ Prints (to stdout or specified file) all possible decrypted results Args: cipher (str): The cipher to be decrypted output_file (str|None): The filename of the file the results are gonna be printed. Defaults to ``None``, which indicated printing on stdout Examples: >>> from crypyto.ciphers import RailFence >>> rf = RailFence(n_rails=1, only_alnum=True) >>> rf.decrypt('WECRLTEERDSOEEFEAOCAIVDEN') There are 46 possible results. You can specify an output file in the parameter output_file Are you sure you want to print them all (Y/N)? Y WEEFCERALOTCEAEIRVDDSEONE WEAREDISCOVEREDFLEEATONCE ... NEDVIACOAEFEEOSDREETREWCL NEDVIACOAEFEEOSDREETLREWC """ n_possibilities = len(cipher) * 2 - 4 if n_possibilities > 30 and not output_file: print('There are {} possible results. You can specify an output file in the parameter output_file'.format(n_possibilities)) print('Are you sure you want to print them all (Y/N)?') if not input().upper().startswith('Y'): return initial_direction = self.direction results = '' for direction in ['D', 'U']: self.direction = direction initial_n_rails = self.n_rails for n in range(2, len(cipher)): self.n_rails = n results += self.decrypt(cipher) + '\n' self.n_rails = initial_n_rails self.direction = initial_direction if output_file: with open(output_file, 'w') as out: out.write(results.strip()) else: print(results.strip())